What does black mold look like?

It’s a scenario that every homeowner dreads. Maybe you’ve caught glimpses of it in those seldom visited corners, or behind fixtures and appliances. Perhaps you’ve been noticing a strange smell in certain rooms or areas. Maybe you’ve started to develop troubling...

What is Black Mold?

Black mold is a type of mold also known by its scientific name: Stachybotrys chartarum. It’s a popular term that comes up when people talk about mold and health concerns because it is known to produce some unwanted health consequences. Black Mold Health Consequences...

Mold Removal with Vinegar

Vinegar may be suitable for minor mold issues Removing mold with vinegar is a common method here in Washington State. While vinegar can be used to help eliminate mold in small areas, it can be a labor extensive process that requires a lot of scrubbing. Before you...

Do Mold Spores Damage Health?

Have you experienced mold in your home? If so, there is a chance that it can be damaging to your health. According to MedicineNet, mold can live on many different materials in your home including shower stalls, wood, fiberboard, and gypsum board. Mold thrives in...

Can you paint over mold?

Can you paint over the mold to clean the wall and keep the mold from spreading? Never paint over the mold. You create more problems and more costs to remove the mold. EPA states not to paint over the mold. First, the paint will not stick to the mold completely and the...

Preventing Mold

What steps can be taken to prevent mold from forming? Moisture control is the key element in mold control. When water leaks or spills occur inside your property be sure to act quickly. Drying materials that are wet or damp in the first 24 to 48 hours after a leak is a...

Why Mold and Why Now?

We are especially interested in one presenter’s comments during the public ASHRAE session. Joseph Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng., of Building Science Corp., Westford, Mass., has entitled his presentation, “What Happened? Why Mold and Why Now?” As quoted elsewhere in this...

Allergies to Mold

Typically “fresh” air contains more mold spores than pollen grains. Mold and mold spores are in the air year-round, indoors and out. Mold and fungi reproduce by giving off huge numbers of mold spores into the air, similar to plants releasing pollen. When mold spores...

Living with Mold Linked to Severe Asthma

Living with Mold Linked to Severe Asthma: Study September 8th, 2010 A new study highlights the risk of household mold, which may increase the risk of severe asthma attacks among people with certain genes. The study was published online last month in the American...